Potty Training Your Pup

This can be a trying but extremely rewarding experience. We’ll break it down, hopefully show you the light at the end of the tunnel! No more wiping up pee patches and rushing to get your pup off the carpet.

Tip 1: Post meal time potty business

Dogs, especially pups pee/poo right after meal times. So we recommend feeding, then placing your pup at the pee tray/grass patch till he relieves himself. Look out for warning signs like walking in circles or sniffing the flooring.

Tip 2: Playpen power

We love play pens! Essentially a fenced off space to control your dogs access. When potty training, simply pee pad the entire area or pee pad a grassy patch. Slowly shrink the size of the pee pads vs flooring and praise when your dogs goes on the pee pad vs the floor.

Tip 3: Positive reinforcement

This one’s really important. Positive praises definitely work best over scolding. If you react negatively, your pup may see peeing/pooping in your presence as a bad thing. They may choose to relieve themselves only when you’re not around, or in places you can’t see. So heap on praises when your pup does right.

Tip 4: Accidents happen

Accidents will surely happen. What should you do? We recommend you react calmly, pick your pooch up and place him where he’s supposed to go. Praise, should he go, even a little in the right spot.

Tip 5: Potty Training Scents

There are always scents to assist with potty training though effectiveness wanes over time. Simply drip a few drops within the potty zone and use the above tips to follow through. Think of scents as giving your pooch hints to the answer, they will still require follow through.

Aids to help with Potty Training: There are sprays to attract or repel pee which can help with potty training and reinforcement

How long will this take?

This process may take anywhere from weeks to months. Accidents may still happen so we recommend plenty of reinforcement and praises till your pooch has got it 99% right.

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